What Is Orthokeratology?
Also known as Ortho-K, it is used to reshape the cornea to improve vision. The contact lenses are worn overnight to reshape the front surface of the eye while you sleep. When you wake-up, you will have clear, sharp, natural vision.
Who is ortho-k for?
It is mainly recommended for children, to slow down the progression of myopia. It’s a surgery-free way for some to leave their glasses behind and not have to wear contact lenses all the time. Wearing Ortho-K lenses only at night gives kids the freedom to run around and play sports during the day without worrying about their glasses or contact lenses.
What can you expect?
The doctor will map and measure the surface of your cornea and then design a lens especially for your eye. It can take two weeks or longer to attain the maximum vision correction. If you stop wearing the lenses at night, your eyes will eventually go back to their original shape.